Something spooky…
I always wanted to try writing a holiday song, and for some reason this is the one holiday where I had any ideas. This is sung from the perspective of a ghost who may be a tad bitter - and is probably right.
I walk this land uncoiled but to a tether bound,
My grasping hands feel nothing, my mouth can make no sound.
Now trapped between these curtains, now wrapped up in this shroud,
I wander in the twilight with ghastly form endowed.
Though no heart beats inside me, deep longing there remains,
So much was left unfinished, so many were my pains.
An ending I imagined, to cross into the light,
But living earth and dying lands share common ground tonight.
Tonight the shadows deepen, the veil is growing thin,
The warm world is preparing to let us cold ones in,
So this night I’ll return to you, a shade of love long lost,
To stoke the flames of memory and herald coming frost.
You need not fear my presence, but of my fate beware,
For it may be your doom as well: but for grace go you there.
Be mindful of the oaths you make, leave no work left undone,
No words of love unspoken, no battle left unwon,
Have no regrets, make no mistakes, and forge no earthly bond,
Or else be doomed to wander between world and world beyond.
But no mortal perfection could avoid what I portend,
One day soon you’ll join me here - We’re all ghosts in the end.